Feb. 21, 2024

The High Costs of Trying to Achieve Your "Dream Body" w/ Dr. Ashley Dwyer

The High Costs of Trying to Achieve Your

Do you have a "dream body" that you want to acheive? Do you see people online and think "I wish I could look like that"? Well today on the podcast we are going to talk about the side of things that you don't see... I have my friend Dr. Ashley Dwyer on...

Do you have a "dream body" that you want to acheive?

Do you see people online and think "I wish I could look like that"?

Well today on the podcast we are going to talk about the side of things that you don't see...

I have my friend Dr. Ashley Dwyer on the show is a fitness competitor and pharmacist turned health coach who is going to share her own story of chasing her dream body and how it damaged her health and her relationship with her body and food and how that has impacted her mindset and approach towars her health and fitness moving forward. 

This is a really insightful episode that will provide a lot of value for many of you. 

You can find more information about Ashley through her Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/dr.dwyer/ 

Or on her website here: https://teambdncoaching.com/